Lol my wordpress website got hacked by multiplie script “heroes”, if ur reading this! Please contact me. Im wondering how you guys did it :) feel free!
Well ive fixed the filepermissions, so i dont think they can do anything anymore.
But i dont know ill wait and see, Im no programmer :)I chmodded all files within the wordpress site with 664 permissions, and all the directory’s with 755. This does mean a file upload wont work anymore.. so u better chmod the upload directory wp-content or so with 777 it depends on the type of webserver u use and under what user u run those programs.
They really did there best.. i see all sorts of commands in my error logs
cat: /proc/version: No such file or directory
cat: /etc/ No such file or directory
cat: /etc/*-realise: No such file or directory
cat: /proc/cpuinfo: No such file or directory
free: not found
lsattr: not found
Basicly they cant change anything as apache is running under a special www user. And most of the ppl who try this suspect a Linux box.. :)
gr gr!