So to install spamassasin on a freebsd server with qmail tcpserver.
This will reject in and outgoing spam or quarantine or delete it.
make install clean
Just say yes blabla, read before u do so.
Add to /etc/rc.conf
cp /usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin/ /usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin/
Remove the #’s before the following options
required_score 5.0 (When is it tagged as spam?)
use_bayes 1 (Autolearn)
bayes_auto_learn 1
shortcircuit BAYES_99 spam
shortcircuit BAYES_00 ham
Start spamasassin:
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/sa-spamd restart
make install clean
Check if the output is blank by running this:
Im not gonna go deep into clamav deamon etc. This is just to filter spam and very basic.
Search for:
my @scanners_installed=(“clamdscan_scanner”,”mhr_scanner”,”spamassassin”,”perlscan_scanner”);
Replace that with:
my @scanners_installed=(“mhr_scanner”,”spamassassin”,”perlscan_scanner”);
Trestholds in spamscores:
Search for:
my $sa_quarantine_site=’0′;
Replace that with:
my $sa_quarantine_site=’9′;
Search for:
my $sa_delete_site=’0′;
Replace that with:
my $sa_delete_site=’15’;
Search for:
my $sa_reject_site=’0′;
Replace that with:
my $sa_reject_site=’15’;
Search for:
my $sa_alt=’0′;
Replace that with:
my $sa_alt=’1′;
Copy and create new “quarantine-events.txt”:
cp /var/spool/qscand/quarantine-events.txt.sample /var/spool/qscand/quarantine-events.txt
/usr/local/bin/ -g
Create this file:
Add this to the file:,RELAYCLIENT=””
And run this make it a cdb file.
tcprules /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb /etc/tcp.smtp.tmp < /etc/tcp.smtp
Qmail does not need to be re犀利士
started for this process.
In the startup script i put this in, tho it would be more neat to do that otherwise.. but like i said its just fooling around and im a new to bsd :
command_args=”-d -r ${pidfile} -m 4″
its the maxium number of threads the spamd deaemon can spawn.
Rotate the logfiles and update, send a mail.
# Spamassasin log rotate / quarantine cleanup
30 4 * * * root /home/thomas/
The cron itself in /home/thomas/
#!/usr/local/bin/bash# Rotate spam quarantine witch are older then 7 days and have a spamscore over 9 points HOST=`hostname` /bin/rm /var/log/spamass.txt quarantine=`/usr/bin/find /var/spool/qscand/quarantine/spam/new/ -type f -mtime +7` /bin/echo “Clean spam quarantine, 7 days retention” >> /var/log/spamass.txt
/bin/echo “— $HOST —” >> /var/log/spamass.txt
for MESSAGE in $quarantine
/bin/echo “Cleaned up: $MESSAGE” >> /var/log/spamass.txt
/bin/rm -rf $MESSAGE
# the logfiles that are beeing recreated automatic after removing them
# the main logfile where u wanna look if something have happend is /var/log/maillog
/bin/echo “” >> /var/log/spamass.txt
# move log to log1 to be removed the next day
# debug logging rotate / remove
/bin/echo “Rotate logfiles:” >> /var/log/spamass.txt
/bin/rm /var/spool/qscand/qmail-queue.log1
/bin/mv /var/spool/qscand/qmail-queue.log /var/spool/qscand/qmail-queue.log1
touch /var/spool/qscand/qmail-queue.log
chown qscand:qscand /var/spool/qscand/qmail-queue.log
# quarantine logfiles rotate / remove
/bin/rm -rf /var/spool/qscand/quarantine.log1
/bin/mv /var/spool/qscand/quarantine.log /var/spool/qscand/quarantine.log1
echo “Rotation logiles in /var/spool/qscand/ done” >> /var/log/spamass.txt
touch /var/spool/qscand/quarantine.log
chown qscand:qscand /var/spool/qscand/quarantine.log
/bin/echo “” >> /var/log/spamass.txt
/bin/echo “Spamassassin updates:” >> /var/log/spamass.txt
# update spamassasin to latest ruleset put a -D after the /sa-update to see what its doing.
/usr/local/bin/sa-update -v >> /var/log/spamass.txt
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/sa-spamd restart
/bin/echo “Updates done / restart SA done” >> /var/log/spamass.txt
/usr/bin/mail -s “Spamassassin updates/maintance $HOST” < /var/log/spamass.txt
Dont forget to make it executable:
chmod +x /home/thomas/
And like i pointed out earlyer, this works but its not the best way to do it..:)
Gr gr! :)